AI 900 - Face API
Face API - 9 Cards
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Face API
Advanced Face detection - Age, Emotion, Glasses. Find similar faces, match face with a group.
Improving Face API accuracy
Bigger Face Size - min 200x200 pixels. Variety of high quality images - different angles, different lighting
FaceList vs LargeFaceList
FaceList can store up to 1K faces, and LargeFaceList can store up to 1M faces.
PersonGroup vs LargePersonGroup
PersonGroup can store up to 1K persons, and LargePersonGroup can store up to 1M persons.
Detect Operation
Detect human faces (box co-ordinates), with options to request age, gender, emotion, hair, makeup details
Find Similar Operation
Find similar faces by matching a specific face image against an array of face images
Group Operation
Divide candidate faces (3-1000) into groups based on face similarity
Identify Operation
1-to-many identification, find closest matches of the specific query person face
Verify Operation
Determine if two faces belong to the same person or if a face belongs to a specific person, with output of confidence level