AZ 900 - Azure Databases

Azure Databases - 18 Cards
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Will I be able to access my data now and when I need it?
Will my data be available after 10 or 100 or 1000 years?
RPO (Recovery Point Objective)
Maximum acceptable period of data loss
RTO (Recovery Time Objective)
Maximum acceptable downtime
Ensuring data in multiple instances is updated simultaneously
Strong consistency
Synchronous replication to all replicas
Eventual consistency
Asynchronous replication. A little lag - few seconds - before the change is available in all replicas
Relational OLTP databases
Transactional databases with predefined schema and strong transactional capabilities (Row storage)
Relational OLAP databases
Data warehousing databases for Big Data workloads with columnar storage and predefined schema
NoSQL Databases
Databases for apps with schema-less structures that need quickly evolving data (MongoDB, Cassandra, Gremlin)
In memory databases/caches
Databases for apps that require microsecond responses
Azure SQL Database
Managed Microsoft SQL Server
Azure Database for MySQL
Managed MySQL
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Managed PostgreSQL
Azure Synapse Analytics
Petabyte-scale distributed data warehouse
Azure Cosmos DB
Fully managed NoSQL database service
Azure Cache for Redis
Fully managed in-memory database/caching service in Azure
Azure Cosmos DB APIs
MongoDB (document), Cassandra (key/value) and Gremlin (graph) etc